PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit - April 2022

The  event was at the Hillscourt Education Centre, Rose Hill, Rednall, Birmingham, hosted by the MCPF. Not quite as long a journey as our attending members had last November; those attending this time could manage it in a day from anywhere in the EAF.

It was a well-organised weekend with a great atmosphere in a comfortable venue with good blackout. The low number of applications affected attendance, which meant the hall wasn’t too crowded and we could social-distance ourselves if required. The standard of applications was certainly higher than that in Newton Abbott last November, with pass rates of well over 50%, including 80% in Credit Prints. This time we only had 7 applications over 4 sections as there was no Masters. This was one of our lowest numbers of applications. Unfortunately, only 3 of our applicants were successful and only one was present to collect his badge from the PAGB President, Roger Parry, ARPS, MPAGB, HonPAGB, EFIAP.

Credit Prints – Andre Neves ARPS, CPAGB from Melbourn & DPC

Distinction PDI – Wayne Davey DPAGB, BPE 2* from the Beyond Group and Jo Kelly DPAGB, BPE 3*, QPSA, from March CC

Our sincere congratulations go to them and commiserations to those who were unsuccessful.

Back row on right Andre Neves ARPS, CPABG from Melbourn & DPC. The PAGB President Roger Parry ARPS, MPAGB, HonPAGB, EFIAP. second from left centre row.

The adjudicators for the weekend:
Back row l/r; Adrian Lines MPAGB, FBPE, ARPS, EFIAP. Gordon Jenkins HonPAGB. Anne Greiner MPAGB, APAGB.
Front row l/r; Gwen Charnock FRPS, MFIAP, APAGB. Roger Parry (PAGB President), ARPS, MPAGB, HonPAGB, EFIAP. Sue Moore FRPS, MPAGB.
Photographs by kind permission of Mike Sharples MPAGB, ARPS, EFIAP, FBPE.